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Application For Credit

  • *If different from Company Address.
  • Accounts Payable Info

  • Details of Organization

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Names & Titles of Principle Officers/Owners

  • Banking Details

  • Trade References

    We no longer accept fuel references
  • **Note - Not including fax numbers may delay processing of application**

  • By signing this form you are authorizing All Choice Rentals, or a representative of, to do a check with trade references and or bank/financial institution not just at the time of setting up the account but from time to time if All Choice Rentals deems it necessary to do so. Further, upon signing this document you certify that the information being provided is true and correct and that you acknowledge it will be used to make a credit decision. Further, you are agreeing to our terms of payment in NET 30 days.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY